Если это казнь, то за что? Если убийство, почему никто не может защитить? Врач обязан лечить и спасать, не взирая на постановления или указы. Противоположное возможно лишь в полицейском государстве. Америки, как демократической страны, более не существует на карте мира? Случай Терри Шиаво – безБожие, полный аморализм и несмываемый национальный ПОЗОР!


           НЕ ОТ НАШЕГО ИМЕНИ!

                                 Америка, опомнись, что творишь?!


http://i.cnn.net/cnn/interactive/us/0503/timeline.schiavo.case/01.jpg25 марта 2005 года, Good Friday, ЛУЧ. Ты не просто позволяешь убивать невинных и самых беззащитных на глазах у всего мирового сообщества – увы, отнюдь не только.


Ты облекаешь подлое убийство беззащитной женщины-инвалида – в ризы Закона и правопорядка! Ты позволяешь открыто торжествовать подлецам и убийцам! Более того: делаешь из них «звёзд» телеэкранов, «героев» национальных шоу и бестселлеров!


Ты всему миру сегодня являешь свои грязные тайны о том, что твои фешенебельные больницы давно превратились в фашистские «фабрики смерти».


Браво, Америка! Ты низвела со всех своих пьедесталов милосердие, сострадание, любовь к человеку. Ты видишь и понимаешь только нули: после точки и запятой, в твоих чеках.


Да ты по-просту сбесилась. И превратилась в миф, в мираж, в фантом. Тебя больше нет. Есть майки шиаво, о-джеи симпсоны, моники левински и прочие чудовища в образах людей, которые хорошо усвоили единственный закон, которому сегодня ты столь усердно поклоняешься: деньги не пахнут.


Что плохого сделала тебе Терри? В чём виновата молодая женщина, если заболела и стала беспомощнее ребёнка? А если это Майк Шиаво толкнул или ударил её, в припадке бешеной ревности? Ведь такое может случиться с каждым – разве это повод для убийства, для общенационального кощунства, неслыханной жестокости?! Терри не может сама дать отпор наглецу, яро пытающемуся доказать всему свету, что убивая Терри, он лишь «исполняет её волю» – так защити же Терри!


Государство ОБЯЗАНО быть социально ориентированным, иначе зачем оно вообще нужно? Государство ОБЯЗАНО защищать – не убивать своих граждан. Государство ОБЯЗАНО ставить на место зарвавшихся негодяев. Государство ОБЯЗАНО наказывать преступников в белых халатах, забывших о профессиональном и человеческом долге ЛЕЧИТЬ больных и ПОМОГАТЬ людям.


Америка, ты защищаешь животных, природу, женщин – что плохого сделала тебе Терри? Даже если койка в больнице стоит тысячи долларов в день – всё равно Терри только одна, и второй Терри уже не будет никогда!


Остановись и не поднимай руки на чудо, на жизнь, на улыбку ЖИВОЙ Терри!


Разве же это не стоит всех миллиардов на свете – и гораздо больше их. Жизнь не знает цены. Человека нельзя купить или продать. Даже убийцу и преступника убивать грешно – Терри никогда и никого не обидела, а ты не позволяешь дать ей воды. Это чудовищно. Это страшно, когда в такой стране, как Америка, человек умирает от голода и жажды.


Великая Америка, ты творишь великий ужас, и терпение Высших на исходе. Бог долго хранил тебя от всех бед, потому что ты любила Его творение – человека, и ты всегда защищала его. Что ждёт тебя теперь?


Держись,Терри, мы с тобой, мы молимся о тебе! Бог не оставит тебя – но пощадит ли Он твоих убийц?


Да будет воля Его! Забывшая Бога, открыто и нагло попирающая Его Закон – Америка, считай себя предупреждённой.


Schindler family resolute in fight for Terri's life



Bob and Mary Schindler, from left, and their daughter Suzanne Vitadamo go to visit Schiavo on Friday.


PINELLAS PARK, Florida (CNN) Although Terri Schiavo's feeding tube was removed contrary to their wishes seven days ago, members of her family said late Thursday they will continue fighting for her life despite continuing setbacks and mounting odds against them.


We don't want to give up on Terri, her brother, Bobby Schindler, told CNN. She hasn't given up on us all these years, and we're certainly not going to give up on her. Things don't look too good right now, but there's always a voice inside saying something could happen any second now to get my sister out of this mess.


Schiavo, 41, remained in a Florida hospice Friday as her family continued to plead with courts to reinsert her feeding tube. She collapsed in 1990 after suffering heart failure and has been in what courts have called a persistent vegetative state ever since.


Schindler's parents, Bob and Mary Schindler, have been involved in a legal tug-of-war with Schiavo's husband, Michael, over her fate for years. Courts have repeatedly sided with Michael Schiavo, who maintains his wife would not want to be kept alive artificially. The Schindlers maintain she could get better with intense therapy.


This week was not the first time Schiavo's feeding tube has been disconnected, but previously the family has been successful in their efforts to get it reinserted. It happened a year and a half ago, said Schiavo's sister, Suzanne Vitadamo. – We thought it was the end then, and look what happened. We just hope that Terri can hang on, and we'll keep praying.


Schindler said the most difficult part of his family's ordeal is «having to watch my parents go through simply wanting to care for their child and not being able to.»  I mean, 15 years now, particularly these last 13 years, they just simply want to bring their child home and take care of her, make her part of the family again, and they're being told that they can't. It's something that I think a lot of people just can't understand.


       That's been the difficult part, not only seeing Terri abandoned and warehoused this period of time, but also having to see my parents go through the struggle just to take care of their child.


Asked about the years she has spent without her sister, Vitadamo said: «We really haven't been without Terri. Terri is a part of me and my life, and she always will be. I don't feel like I've ever been without her.»


The two visited with their sister earlier Thursday. «She looks -- honestly, she looks like she is in a concentration camp," Vitadamo said. "She's beginning to hollow out. It's awful. It's awful to have to sit back and watch this process happen to anybody. We live in America. I can't even believe I'm sitting here discussing this. It's sick.»


Schindler said part of him wants to be with Schiavo, but «the other part of me just wants to get out of the room as fast as I can. It's absolutely horrific to know someone's being starved to death, especially a family member».


But despite the emotional toll the fight has taken on her family, Vitadamo said she does not regret it. «I've watched my parents age incredibly, in a sad way, over the past several years. But you know what, I'd do it all over again. I would do whatever I could do to fight for her. She can't do it herself, and we're all that she has, and we love her. I wouldn't think twice». CNN.com


story.jeb.sign.jpg story.sign1.jpg Florida Supreme Court rejects petition


Family spokesman begs Gov. Bush for help

The Florida Supreme Court has dismissed -- for the second time in a week -- a bid by Terri Schiavo's parents to have their daughter's feeding tube reconnected.


Florida's Supreme Court on Saturday night rejected a new attempt by Terri Schiavo's parents to have her feeding tube reconnected. Their emergency petition had described the court order to remove the tube as akin to a «mercy killing».


The state's highest court dismissed the emergency petition Saturday night, saying it didn't have jurisdiction. On Thursday, the same court refused to hear the case. The lawyer for Schiavo's parents said the legal fight to prolong the brain-damaged woman's life is drawing to an end.


This is the third legal blow Schiavo's parents have received within the course of 24 hours. Their motions were also denied earlier in the day by Circuit Court Judge George Greer in Clearwater, Florida, and Friday by the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta, Georgia. Bob and Mary Schindler have now lost more than two dozen legal opinions in both state and federal courts, which have consistently sided with their daughter's husband -- and legal guardian -- Michael Schiavo. He has said that he is simply following his wife's wish not to be kept in a persistent vegetative state.


Speaking earlier with reporters in Dunedin, Florida, on Saturday, Schiavo's attorney, George Felos, said, «I would hope that the parents' side realize that any further legal action will be futile. We can understand their desperate efforts in this case. But I would hope that at some point, they leave that behind and begin to cope with this on a more personal level».


Felos said that he had visited Terri Schiavo for 20 minutes at her hospice in Pinellas Park on Saturday. «Frankly, when I saw her...she looked beautiful. In all the years I've seen Mrs. Schiavo, I've never seen such a look of peace and beauty upon her. «He refuted charges made by Schiavo's parents that her lips were bleeding, her skin was peeling and that she appeared in discomfort».


Felos said that «it felt right and appropriate that Mrs. Schiavo not be fed and sustained through an artificial device» and that «she has a right to die with dignity" and «in peace» without the release of video and photographs of her at this time. Additionally, Felos said that Schiavo received last rites, which includes Communion, the day the tube was removed, and that a court has ordered that she be able to receive the sacrament one more time before she dies.


Felos said no exact time for that has been set, but that the rites would be administered by the hospice priest. He said Schiavo's breathing has been regular and that her death doesn't appear «imminent». He said that Schiavo's remains would be cremated and interred in a family plot in Pennsylvania, where she and her husband grew up. Felos said that Michael Schiavo has been at his wife's bedside around the clock, except when her other family members want to visit.


 Differing impressions Impressions of Terri Schiavo's condition differ from her parents' side.


«She is fighting like hell to stay alive. And I want the powers to be to know that, Bob Schindler told reporters after visiting his daughter at the hospice Saturday. «Anyone that has the authority to come in and to save Terri, they can do it. It's not too late. She's fighting and we're asking you to fight with her».


Schindler said his daughter has been showing signs of «starvation and lack of hydration». The 41-year-old's feeding tube was disconnected under state court order more than eight days ago. Doctors have said she likely will die within two weeks from the time the tube was removed. In his five-page decision Saturday, Florida Circuit Court Judge George Greer said that Schiavo's parents had failed to meet the burden of proof necessary to prove their latest assertion: that Terri Schiavo had attempted to verbalize «I want to live».


The motion filed by Schiavo's parents motion said, "She managed to articulate the first two vowel sounds, first articulating AHHHHHHH and then virtually screaming WAAAAAAAA."  Schiavo did not say anything further on that occasion. Greer said Schiavo's utterances came only after being touched -- consistent with evidence presented in a 2002 trial.


"All of the credible medical evidence this court has received over the last five years is that this is not a cognitive response, but rather something akin to a person jerking his/her hand off a hot stove long before he/she has thought about it," Greer wrote. He is the same judge who ordered the removal of the feeding tube last week.


Meanwhile, the Schindlers have been imploring Florida Governor Jeb Bush and the nation's leaders to step in.  Outside the hospice Saturday, Bobby Schindler, Terri Schiavo's brother, challenged lawmakers to go inside and see her. «And when they come out, you need to ask them if Congress and the governor were wrong to get involved in my sister's case».


More than 100 protesters have gathered outside Hospice House Woodside, holding vigil and praying on this Easter weekend. Some are carrying wooden crosses. Others are carrying signs. "Don't murder Terri," one sign read. "Michael is a murderer," read another.


Years-long legal battle

Terri Schiavo has been hospitalized, bedridden and unable to speak or feed herself since 1990, when she suffered heart failure and resulting brain damage. Her parents argue that their daughter never made a right-to-die declaration and would not want to be, in their words, "starved to death." Her husband argues that his wife had said, before her illness, that she would not want to continue living if she were in such a condition. The legal fight between the two sides has lasted a decade.


Tight security

At least 10 protesters, including three children, were arrested at Schiavo's hospice Friday. They are expected to face trespassing charges. Meanwhile, FBI agents have arrested a North Carolina man on suspicion of soliciting offers over the Internet to kill Michael Schiavo and Greer. Richard Alan Meywes of Fairview is accused of offering $250,000 for the killing of Schiavo and another $50,000 for the "the elimination of the judge who ruled against Terry."


Meywes was arrested without incident at his home around 5 p.m. Friday on charges of solicitation of murder and transmission of a threatening communication via interstate commerce, authorities said. If convicted, Meywes could face up to 15 years in prison and up to $500,000 in fines. He is expected to make an initial court appearance Monday in U.S. District Court in Asheville, North Carolina. (Full story)


Judge Greer has been under 24-hour protection by two U.S. marshals because of increased threats against his life by those unhappy with his handling of the Schiavo case. CNN's Ted Barrett, Bob Franken, Joe Johns, Bill Mears and John Zarrella contributed to this report.







LUCH 2005