Русско-говорящая община Америки, Канады, Русского Зарубежья просит оказать влияние на скорейшее разрешение конфликта.

Text Box:  В декабре 2000 года, обеспокоившись судьбой православной девочки Маши Захаровой и её матери Натальи Захаровой, "Большой Вашингтон" обратился к Папе Римскому с просьбой рассмотреть данный конфликт в свете происходящего насилия, нарушения прав Матери и Ребёнка, попрания национально-исторических и семейных ценностей. Русско-говорящая община Америки, Канады и всего Русского Зарубежья просит оказать влияние на скорейшее разрешение конфликта. Ниже помещён полный текст письма, а также ответ, полученный из Ватикана.



December 30, 2000


             To the Pope John Paul II


His Holiness Pope John Paul II !


Let us to congratulate You and all Christians under Your blessing Hands with the New 2001 year and with the New 21 Century!


We wish You the power of Love for all Your prayers, the wisdom and peace of the Holy Spirit and all the best in Your own life! May our God Creator, Jesus Christ and His Virgin Mother Mary to protect You for us forever in everlasting Love!


We have sent you a letter from our magazine "Greater Washington" and its Russian speaking readers in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Russia dated by June 26, 2000. Shortly we received a warm answer from you. Thank you very much for your love and attention!


Now we are writing you as good friends and your sincere admirers of your prayers and efforts for all mankind. We need your help very much. We appeal to you on behalf of our readers to help a child which is in the evil hands now. We speak about a 5 year Russian-French Orthodox Christian girl, whose name is Maria Zakharova. Her mother, Nataliya Zakharova, Russian actress, was married on a Frenchman and they got divorced. For about three years a fight is going in France for this girl, and during all this time the child is separated from her mother. Both the child and the mother are suffering a lot.


There were diplomatic efforts from the side of the Russian government, including the President of Russia, Putin, to resolve this problem. However the French legislature does not do any moves towards to joining of the mother and child. The mother even cannot to speak by phone to her daughter to congratulate her with Christmas (!). Even the orthodox cross was taken out from Masha.


This situation is absolutely wrong from all points of view, legal and moral. The mother did not violate any French law. Nobody has the right to separate mother and daughter and put the daughter first to an orphanage and then to an adopting family. The child is a very little and very beautiful but already was harassed and suffering without mother not only morally but also physically.


We did not want to speak about these bad things in our congratulation letter. Unfortunately such things continue to take place in our imperfect world. You are our great and maybe last hope to help in this complicated international conflict. God stands above all the countries and human laws. You are the most powerful Representative in the Ethic Law of Love, Mercy and Compassion gifted by Jesus Christ to us!


Please, help this little and sweet Christian child witch we do love all and do suffering for her together!

Please, help these too souls to connect forever in love and peace!


Thank You for all Your efforts, God bless our Holiness Father


In the name of our readers around the world and Russian Christians in USA, Canada and Europe





Sergey Kuznetsov,

Chief Editor and Publisher,

Member of American Poetry Academy,


Larisa Gumerov,

Writer and Poet,

Member of Editorial Board.





First Section – General Affairs



From the Vatican, March 12, 2001


Dear Mr. Kuznetsov,


His Holiness Pope John Paul II has received your further letter and he asked me to reply in his name. Please be assured that the concern which you brought to his attention has been carefully noted.


With every good wish, I am


                        Sincerely yours,



Monsignor Pedro Lopez Quintana





LUCH 2001