Mysteries of the Turin Shroud

(January, 2000)



 This article was originally written in Russian after the author pilgrimage Lyon and Turin in 1998. The story allows the reader closely and by the human way to look at the eyes of the Person by whose Image and Similarity everybody was created. The author share her feelings and shocking reality in the light of the Second Coming.


The Second Coming of Christ is undoubtful and desirable event for every Christian believing heart. In its constant yearning to Creator the human soul willingly or unwillingly submerges in a natural for itself state of dream on the coming. This article of Larisa Gumerov is such a dream-revelation where the author masterly uses her scientific and spiritual experience for analysis of an universal act of mankind redemption and  understanding of the future. Word - Thought - Idea. Those who reside in a continuous relationship with God go by His way and create miracles.  This is a way how art masterpieces come to the world.


The article was published in a literary Russian-language magazine "Greater Washington" (No. 2 (26), 2000, pp. 52-54). It is translated in English (sorry for my English. I appreciate editorial help from English readers). For translation click here.